После обновления системы перестали выполняться backup через brtools или db13

В новом netweaver изменился исполняемый файл, занимающийся сжатием/разжатием файлов во время бэкапа.

Поправьте свой initSID.sap (D:\oracle\SID\11203\database\initSID.sap)


compress = yes > compress = brtools

Нота 1173119



To switch to the new tape function, you must make the following changes in the BR*Tools profile init<DBSID>.sap:
Activating the new SAP tape tools:
tape_copy_cmd = brtools | rman_brt
The value "brtools" replaces the old values "cpio" and "dd" and the value "rman_brt" replaces "rman". You should no longer use the value "rman_dd".
Setting the tape block size:
tape_block_size = <bs_in_kb>   # default: 64 (KB)
Setting the tapes to offline (unload) after a backup:
tape_set_offline = yes | no    # defaulf: yes
In this case, the system ignores the following init<DBSID>.sap parameters:
cpio_flags, cpio_in_flags, dd_flags, dd_in_flags, rewind, rewind_offline, and tape_pos_cmd.
Activating SAP software compression (useful only for backup on disk):
compress = brtools
In this case, the system ignores the following init<DBSID>.sap parameters:
compress_cmd, uncompress_cmd, and cpio_disk_flags.

After you activate the new SAP tape tools and before you save for the first time, you must reinitialize the backup tapes. To do this, use the "force" option:
brbackup/brarchive -i force
For database backups, a weekly verification run is required (for example, using the option "-w use_dbv").
Archive log backups should always be verified (for example, using the option "-w use_rmv").

This is added in BR*Tools 7.10 patch 12.
The enhanced functions are provided in BR*Tools 7.20 patch 0.
For more information about downloading patches, see Notes 12741 and 19466.



А еще может не хватать привелегий (ORA-01031: insufficient privileges) при создании backup, для этого нужно их дать:

grant ALL on SAPSR3.SDBAH to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.SDBAD to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBAML to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBARCL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBAFID to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBAEXTL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBAREOL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBABARL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBADFL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBAOPTL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBASPAL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBABD to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBABL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBATL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBAOBJL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBAPHAL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBAGRP to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBAERR to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBATRIAL to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBSTATC to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBSTATTORA to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBSTATIORA to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBSTATHORA to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBSTAIHORA to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBMSGORA to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.DBCHECKORA to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.MLICHECK to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.TGORA to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.IGORA to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.TSORA to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.TAORA to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.IAORA to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.SVERS to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.CVERS to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.DD02L to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.DD09L to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.DDNTT to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.DDART to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.DARTT to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.DBCHK to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.DBDIFF to sapdba;

grant ALL on SAPSR3.SAPLIKEY to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.RSNSPACE to sapdba;

grant SELECT on SAPSR3.RSPSPACE to sapdba;


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